Rights of Partners in a Partnership Business

The rights of partners in a partnership business are dictated in the partnership agreement for the business. A partnership is any group of two or more individuals who have agreed to form a business together and share equally in its profits, losses, and duties. In effect, partners are treated as joint proprietors by the law and are equally liable for the debts and obligations of the partnership. However, the partnership agreement can spell out specific rights and responsibilities beyond those dictated by the laws of the state where it is formed.

Common Partnership Rights

Fiduciary and Loyalty Duties

When entering a partnership, partners are expected to put the firm's best interests higher than their own best interest, acting with fiduciary duty to both the firm and the other partners.

Owners of a partnership are also bound to a duty of care. This means they will do their best to act in good faith and avoid reckless or negligent actions, legal violations, and willful misconduct.

The duty of loyalty means that partners will abide by the partnership agreement and decisions of the partners. They will inform the other partners of information of interest that arises. Responsibilities covered under the duty of loyalty include:

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