Juvenile Diversion Alternative Program (JDAP)

JDAP is a pre or post arrest diversion program that provides services based on individual youth and family needs. Only youth referred by the Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) and approved by the State Attorney’s Office (SAO) in the judicial circuit in which services are to be provided, shall be admitted to JDAP. JDAP is a strength based model built on the principles of risk and responsivity. The team starts by assessing the needs of the youth admitted into the program and then tailoring an individualized service plan to reduce the risk of recidivism.

Admission Criteria
Services Provided
Duration of Program

The standard length of time for youth participation in the program is two to four months, depending on identified needs. The goal is to match the level of intervention and/or supervision to the risk of each individual youth.

Release from Program

Once a youth completes the interventions on their individual service plan, the case is prepared for successful closure. As part of the aftercare and or transition planning, the youth and/or family is connected to community resources to support their ongoing success.

Program Contact

Owanna Stout

Senior Director of Diversion Services

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BAYS Community Supervision Program (CSP) BAYS Family Connections (Functional Family Therapy) Civil Citation Program Youth Screening Program (YSP) S.T.R.I.V.E. Program Juvenile Diversion Alternative Program (JDAP) © BAYS, Inc. All rights reserved.

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All contributions made to BAYS will be used to benefit Florida’s youth. Bay Area Youth Services, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll free (800-435-7352) within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state. The BAYS registration number is CH22015.Tax documentation is available upon request. If you have any questions about contributions, please contact us at (813) 372-0235.