Fulton county health report

This health assessment publication contains a tremendous amount of data which can serve as one source for strategic planning with respect to making Fulton County a healthier community. It can influence the current course of action and support new areas of interest. When using this publication for planning purposes the process should look more in depth at the results obtained, seek additional sources of information from service providers and identify the target population to put the findings in perspective.
View Full Report HERE
View Youth Trend Summary HERE
View Data Release Power Point Presentation HERE

Fulton County strives to bring together people and organizations to improve community wellness. The community health needs assessment and implementation strategy process is one way we can live out our mission. In order to fulfill this mission, we must be intentional about understanding the health issues that impact residents and work together to create a healthy community.
The 2023 Fulton County Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is the fourth of these reports released, all following a CHNA. We want to provide the best possible care for our residents, and we can use this report to guide us in our strategic planning and decision making concerning future programs, clinics, and health resources.
The Fulton County CHIP would not have been possible without the help of numerous organizations. It is vital that assessments such as this continue so that we can know where to direct our resources and use them in the most advantageous ways.

The 2022 Fulton County Data Appendix is the result of ongoing collaborative efforts that span more than 20 years and comprise a number of community leaders and organizations known collectively as the Fulton County Partners for Health. The data in this report will serve as a data appendix to the 2019 Fulton County Community Health Needs Assessment (CHA) and helps us to describe and understand the prevalence of acute and chronic health conditions, access to care barriers and health disparities. Use of this data to direct community resources to address the biggest collective impact is the next step. Partners for Health will use this report to inform the development and implementation of the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), a strategic plan to focus improvement efforts on identified health priorities.
View Data Appendix HERE

We appreciate your interest in the data presented in this publication. It is the result of the 2021 health assessment of youth in Fulton County. The information collected is reported along with health information from relevant national and local data sources.
Join us as Britney Ward, Director of Corporate and Community Health Promotion at the Fulton County Health Center, reviews the highlights from our 2021 Youth Health Assessment Survey. VIEW FULL VIDEO HERE

The 2020-2023 Community Health Improvement Plan was drafted by agencies and service providers within Fulton County. During January 2020 -September, 2020, the committee reviewed many sources of information concerning the health and social challenges Fulton County adults, youth and children may be facing. They determined priority topics which if addressed, could improve future outcomes, determined gaps in current programming and policies and examined best practices and solutions. The committee has recommended specific action steps they hope many agencies and organizations will embrace to address the priority issues in the coming months and years.

Resources compiled by the Fulton County Partners For Health while working on the 2020 Community Health Improvement Plan. Fulton County has many resources to offer.

This health assessment publication contains a tremendous amount of data which can serve as one source for strategic planning with respect to making Fulton County a healthier community. It can influence the current course of action and support new areas of interest. When using this publication for planning purposes the process should look more in depth at the results obtained, seek additional sources of information from service providers and identify the target population to put the findings in perspective. We hope you will consider joining the Fulton County Partners for Health and contribute to the planning process that results in a county-wide Community Health Improvement Plan for the next three years.

The information in this publication can ultimately benefit our community. We encourage you to be open to new ideas and collaborations as you use this information. It is designed for your use as you consider the health needs of the people of Fulton County. By all of us working together we can positively impact the health of this community.

This health assessment publication contains a tremendous amount of data which can serve as one source for strategic planning with respect to making Fulton County a healthier community. It can influence the current course of action and support new areas of interest. When using this publication for planning purposes the process should look more in depth at the results obtained, seek additional sources of information from service providers and identify the target population to put the findings in perspective.

The most recent Fulton County Community Health Assessment released in December, 2016 was cross-sectional in nature and included a written survey of adults, adolescents, and children within Fulton County. From the beginning phases of the CHA, community leaders were actively engaged in the planning process and helped define the content, scope, and sequence of the project. The Fulton County CHA has been utilized as a vital tool for creating the Fulton County Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP).

Resources compiled by the Fulton County Partners For Health while working on the 2017 Community Health Improvement Plan. Fulton County has a lot to offer.