268 Unique Presentation Topics for Every Student

If you are looking for the most interesting presentation topics, you’ll be thrilled to learn that we have a list of over 23 unique presentation ideas for students of all ages. Why wouldn’t you have a bit of fun while writing your presentation? You can find plenty of amusing topics, as well as complex ideas that will surprise your professor. We have a topic for every student in our list. And remember, all our topics – even the sociology topics for presentation – are free. Use them as you see fit; no need to give us any credit.

presentation topics

Table of Contents

  1. But What Is a Presentation?
  2. Most Interesting Presentations Topics
  3. Fun Presentation Ideas
  4. Health Presentation Topics
  5. 5 Minute Presentation Topics
  6. Presentation Ideas About Animals
  7. Climate Change Presentation Ideas
  8. Creative Presentation Ideas
  9. Middle School Presentation Topics
  10. Oral Presentation Topics
  11. Physics Presentation Ideas
  12. Easy Presentation Topics
  13. Presentation Ideas for High School
  14. Computer Science Presentation Ideas
  15. Good Presentation Topics
  16. Social Media Presentation Topics
  17. Controversial Presentation Ideas
  18. Education Topics for Presentation
  19. T.O.K Presentation Topics
  20. Biology Presentation Topics
  21. Chemistry Topics for a Presentation
  22. Latest Presentation Topics
  23. ESL Presentation Topics
  24. Topics for Presentation for College
  25. Astronomy Topics for a Presentation
  26. Technology Presentation Ideas
  27. Social Issues Presentation Ideas
  28. Nutrition Topics for a Presentation

But What Is a Presentation?

Wondering what is a presentation? Basically, a presentation is a work that aims to convey information from you to an audience (or to explain the topic). You can choose from various types of presentations: speeches, demonstrations, lectures, introductions, persuasive presentations, decision-making presentations, etc. The type of presentation you need to create will be chosen by your professor. However, you will most often need to create PowerPoint presentations of various lengths.

Learning PowerPoint isn’t difficult; many students use this tool. The only problem is that it’s not free. A great alternative to PowerPoint is an online tool that contains all the tools you need, such as images, backgrounds, graphics, color palettes, layouts, and so on. Canva is one of the best such tools, and it’s also free as long as you don’t use their premium images or layouts.

You’ll quickly find that creating presentations is not difficult, as long as you have a good topic to discuss. To make things easy for you, we have compiled a list of 268 topics ideas that are 100 percent original. Pick one of our presentation topic ideas and start working on your presentation today!

Most Interesting Presentations Topics

We will start our list with the most interesting presentations topics for students. Choose one of our ideas and start working on your presentation now:

  1. Effects of bad nutrition on the human body
  2. Football versus handball
  3. Music and its effects on our wellbeing
  4. Traces of life on Mars
  5. The role of the International Space Station
  6. Keeping busy during the COVID-19 pandemic
  7. Choosing the best processor for a new computer
  8. The unseen life of Einstein
  9. Discuss the Hubble telescope
  10. Discuss an important work of English literature
  11. Unseen effects of global warming
  12. How do antidepressants work?
  13. Discuss art therapy

Fun Presentation Ideas

Looking for some fun presentation ideas? No problem, we have plenty of them. Take a look at our best ideas below:

  1. Dogs as man’s best friends
  2. Making your own telescope at home
  3. How to get over the pandemic without going insane
  4. Differences between American English and UK English
  5. The most expensive coffee in the world
  6. How to maintain a healthy friendship
  7. Choosing your major the easy way
  8. Dog or cat: which one to pick?
  9. Music and its effects on our mood
  10. The importance of self-improvement
  11. The importance of gravity
  12. Discuss artificial intelligence
  13. Difference between bloggers and war journalists
  14. Is Pluto a planet?

Health Presentation Topics

Are you interested about making a presentation related to a health topic? Check out these awesome health presentation topics:

  1. Genetically modified organisms and their negative effects
  2. Discuss the opioid crisis in the United States
  3. Latest breakthrough in cancer treatment
  4. Discuss mechanized prosthetics
  5. Discuss the most advanced nursing techniques
  6. Developing a pill that reverses aging
  7. Negative effects of being overweight
  8. Cancer prevention techniques
  9. The truth behind Covid 19 vaccines
  10. Improving the quality of life of palliative care patients
  11. The health benefits of smiling
  12. Negative effects of fast food

5 Minute Presentation Topics

Of course, we have more than enough 5 minute presentation topics for high school and college students. Here are our best ideas so far:

  1. Step-by-step instructions to board a plane in the UK
  2. Making money in high school
  3. Benefits of using social media
  4. Highest paid jobs in information technology
  5. Best apps for college students
  6. Best software to create a high school presentation
  7. 3 nutritious dinner recipes
  8. How to cook like a pro
  9. Making money as a college student
  10. How to pick your first job
  11. Using social media for educational purposes
  12. What is the best business to start online?
  13. Best way to stop procrastinating in school
  14. Here is why you should learn at least 2 foreign languages
  15. Getting top grades in college without burning yourself out

Presentation Ideas About Animals

Making a presentation about animals can be a very interesting project. Check out these presentation ideas about animals and pick the one you like the most:

  1. The ugly truth behind experimenting on animals
  2. Discuss the Bengal tiger
  3. Talk about your pet
  4. Why don’t penguins fly?
  5. Interesting deep sea fish
  6. Are you a dog or cat lover?
  7. Dog fighting legislation in the United Kingdom
  8. Discuss animal extinction in the Amazon rainforest
  9. Discuss animal testing
  10. How to train your cat
  11. Banning puppy mills in the US
  12. Discuss 3 species of alligator
  13. How do cats swim?

Climate Change Presentation Ideas

If you want to write about climate change or environmental issues, you have arrived at the right place. Just pick one of our climate change presentation ideas:

  1. Rising sea levels around the world
  2. Document climate change since the 1990s
  3. The effect of pollution on marine life
  4. Climate change in Miami
  5. The causes of climate change
  6. Discuss the concept of assisted migration
  7. Effects of global warming on biodiversity
  8. Discuss global warming’s effects on humans
  9. Saving the Amazonian rainforest
  10. Discuss carbon emissions
  11. Tourism and climate change

Creative Presentation Ideas

Want to get creative in your next presentation? Here are our best creative presentation ideas:

  1. Use a creative background in your presentation
  2. Add animation to your presentation
  3. Use music on different slides
  4. Experiment with different colors
  5. Use striking images
  6. Experiment with speech bubbles
  7. Use emoticons on some slides
  8. Insert YouTube videos
  9. Configure automatic transitions correctly
  10. Create a timeline for your presentation
  11. Discuss one main idea per slide
  12. Avoid using firework effects
  13. Discuss one bullet point at a time

Middle School Presentation Topics

If you are in middle school and need to make a presentation, simply pick up one of these simple middle school presentation topics:

  1. Discuss censorship in mass media
  2. Describe your pet
  3. Stop being late to school
  4. How to learn math faster?
  5. Discuss a significant event in your life
  6. Describe the politician you like the most
  7. Making a secure social media account
  8. Dealing with a difficult homework
  9. Define the concept of globalization
  10. The freedom of speech in the United States
  11. Talk about your favorite movie

Oral Presentation Topics

Oral presentations don’t need to be as complex as digital ones. Take a look at our list of oral presentation topics and choose the best one right now:

  1. Cyberbullying in United States schools
  2. Discuss drugs in the United States
  3. Bullying in UK schools
  4. Talk about a serious eating disorder
  5. Censorship in communist China
  6. Gambling as a teenager
  7. Effective contraception techniques
  8. Talk about gun control in the US
  9. Banning fast food in our schools
  10. The right to vote in Africa
  11. Building a base on Mars
  12. Media literacy in Eastern Europe

Physics Presentation Ideas

We agree, making a presentation on a topic in physics may not be an easy thing to do. This is where physics homework help can be invaluable. Our physics presentation ideas will make your life easier:

  1. Discuss kinematics
  2. Talk about circular motion
  3. The physics behind projectiles
  4. Discuss gravitation
  5. Discuss a topic related to energy
  6. Discuss space physics
  7. Talk about static electricity
  8. Talk about centripetal forces
  9. Discuss the Laws of Motion
  10. The particle model of matter
  11. The atomic structure

Easy Presentation Topics

In case you really don’t want to spend an entire week working on a complex presentation, you should consider choosing one of these easy presentation topics:

  1. Getting a tuition in college
  2. Effective teaching methods
  3. Keeping your privacy safe on the Internet
  4. The history of cinemas
  5. The importance of studying mathematics
  6. How did World War I start?
  7. Effects of social media on US teenagers
  8. How do white cells work?
  9. Creating an awesome presentation in 30 minutes
  10. Discuss a topic in Greek mythology
  11. The goddess Artemis in Roman mythology

Presentation Ideas for High School

High school students will be thrilled to learn that we have an entire list of topics for them. Check out our presentation ideas for high school:

  1. Benefits of playing video games
  2. Talk about corruption in the US
  3. Discuss life in the desert
  4. Protecting your wireless network correctly
  5. Talk about your best friend
  6. Discuss pollution in Eastern Europe
  7. Installing a new RAM stick on your laptop
  8. Discuss the concept of the glass ceiling
  9. Talk about a day at the beach
  10. Discuss noise pollution in your neighborhood
  11. Talk about women empowerment

Computer Science Presentation Ideas

Did your professor ask you to make a presentation about something in computer science? Do you need help with computer science assignment solutions? No problem; here is an entire list of computer science presentation ideas:

  1. Negative effects of video games on school children
  2. Talk about big data analysis
  3. Discuss the concept of neural networks
  4. What are bioinformatics?
  5. Talk about a topic in cybersecurity
  6. Artificial intelligence in the 21st century
  7. Most important algorithms in 2024
  8. The global impact of the Internet
  9. Talk about the Internet of Things
  10. Innovations in database technology in 2024
  11. The best programming language in the world
  12. Major advancements in machine learning in 2024

Good Presentation Topics

Our writers also made a second selection and picked only the topics they like the most. These are all good presentation topics for any student:

  1. What’s it like to be a centenarian?
  2. Most important classes in UK high schools
  3. Sports and its effects on human health
  4. The effect of COVID 19 vaccines on the human body
  5. Talk about the Tyrannosaurus Rex
  6. Major volcanic eruptions of the 20th century
  7. Is life on Mars possible?
  8. Discuss the possibility of sending the first human to one of Europa’s moons
  9. The history and age of our Sun
  10. Should we teach astronomy in all United States schools?
  11. Effective uses of technology on cancer prevention
  12. Threats posed by artificial intelligence

Social Media Presentation Topics

Yes, you can make a presentation about social media. Your professor will surely appreciate it. Here are some of the best possible social media presentation topics:

  1. How to keep your personal information save on social media
  2. Cyberbullying on social media: how to stop it
  3. Does Facebook need to be regulated more tightly?
  4. Can you compare social media friends with real-life friends?
  5. What makes a social media platform successful?
  6. Best ways to monetize a social media app
  7. Compare Pinterest with Twitter
  8. Major problems social media companies had to overcome in 2024
  9. Is it a good idea to close your social media accounts?

Controversial Presentation Ideas

Students who want to impress their professor should definitely pick one of these controversial presentation ideas:

  1. Can we make world peace in the 21st century?
  2. Discuss the abolishment of the death penalty in the United States
  3. The legalization of human euthanasia in Europe
  4. The legalization of abortion in all states of the United States
  5. Should tobacco be more regulated in Asia?
  6. The disadvantages of online education during the pandemic
  7. The effects of being fat on a person’s self-esteem
  8. Talk about gun control laws in the United States

Education Topics for Presentation

You are allowed to create a presentation on a topic related to education, of course. Check out these interesting education topics for presentation:

  1. How important is the physics class to you?
  2. Best way to teach mathematics to autistic children
  3. Problems posed by the huge amount of homework students receive every semester
  4. Is it ethical to buy an essay from an academic writing company?
  5. The best uses of technology in the classroom
  6. Are standardized tests a good way to differentiate students?
  7. Should all your teachers have a social media presence?
  8. The evolution of education in an African country of your choice

T.O.K Presentation Topics

Did your professor ask you to write a Theory of Knowledge (TOK) presentation? No problem, we have some very nice ideas for you right here:

  1. Talk about child labor in African countries
  2. Discuss a real life situation that you have gone through recently
  3. Talk about the Malaysian Airlines incident and conspiracy theories
  4. Discuss the problems posed by Ebola in African countries
  5. The advantages brought by tourism to the Maasai tribe
  6. Will vegetable burgers be able to replace meat burgers?
  7. Talk about the implications of developing nuclear weapons as a country

Biology Presentation Topics

Topics in biology are not always easy to tackle. This is where biology homework help can make a difference. We’ve done our best to select only the biology presentation topics that are relatively easy to handle:

  1. Talk about the biology of cancer
  2. Discuss the concept of astrobiology
  3. Talk about how plants are able to resist disease naturally
  4. The influence of fertilizers on plants
  5. Discuss the incidence of obesity in pets in the United Kingdom
  6. Talk about active and passive transport in cells
  7. What is cell signaling and how does it work?

Chemistry Topics for a Presentation

Interested in chemistry? Why not make a presentation about something interesting? Check out these chemistry topics for a presentation:

  1. Discuss the concept of electrochemistry
  2. Talk about chemical bonding (also provide examples)
  3. Discuss the use of nanophotonics in military applications
  4. How does an allergy develop?
  5. Discuss and show your audience an example of surface tension
  6. Talk about bio-batteries and their applications in 2024
  7. What are liquid crystals? How are they formed?

Latest Presentation Topics

This is our list of the latest presentation topics. Breakthroughs, discoveries, major achievements – we have a topic about everything novel right here:

  1. Discuss the latest studies on standardized testing
  2. Social changes brought on by the Internet
  3. Alternatives to wheat in the 21st century
  4. Discuss the rise of e-commerce during the Covid 19 pandemic
  5. The most important advancements in robotics
  6. Using artificial intelligence to explore the surface of Mars
  7. Discuss the emergence of new religions across the world
  8. Latest advancements in Covid 19 vaccination

ESL Presentation Topics

Are you an ESL student? Take a look at our ESL presentation topics and select the one you think will have the best chance to land you an A+:

  1. Talk about one of your hobbies
  2. Discuss the importance of sleep for students
  3. Using music to calm autistic children
  4. Risks involved with being an astronaut
  5. Talk about your very first date
  6. Talk about your favorite food
  7. Talk about a modern day hero in the United States

Topics for Presentation for College

We have some topics that are a bit more difficult. These are better for college students. Check out these topics for presentation for college and pick the one you like:

  1. Picking the best career for you
  2. Talk about your favorite celebrity
  3. The evolution of Android phones
  4. Discuss the concept of Global Internet
  5. Best sources of green energy in 2024
  6. Talk about the power of media in the United States
  7. Most important breakthroughs of the 21st century

Astronomy Topics for a Presentation

Astronomy can be a very interesting subject to talk about in your presentation. Here are our best ideas for astronomy topics for a presentation:

  1. What are auroras?
  2. Talk about the Big Bang theory
  3. What is a Dwarf galaxy?
  4. How do black holes form?
  5. What is Pluto?
  6. The dangers posed by asteroids
  7. Most important comets in our history

Technology Presentation Ideas

Writing about tech never gets old. You have a ton of things to discuss in a presentation. Here are some of our most interesting technology presentation ideas:

  1. Discuss a deep learning algorithm
  2. Major advances in augmented reality
  3. How was Alexa developed?
  4. The current state of robotics in the US
  5. Talk about a major cryptocurrency
  6. How did artificial intelligence evolve?
  7. Talk about mobile app development in 2024

Social Issues Presentation Ideas

Want to discuss some social issues? Don’t be afraid to do it! In fact, here are some excellent social issues presentation ideas:

  1. The effects of emigration on third world countries
  2. Discuss gender inequality in Asian countries
  3. Talk about the problems posed by overpopulation
  4. Civil rights in modern day China
  5. Discuss racial discrimination in Israel
  6. Poverty problems in the United States
  7. The rise in homelessness in Western Europe
  8. Health care availability in African countries

Nutrition Topics for a Presentation

Talking about nutrition doesn’t have to be difficult. We have an entire list of nutrition topics for a presentation below:

  1. The role of micronutrients
  2. Are bananas bad for your health?
  3. Discuss eggs and cholesterol
  4. Effects of nutrition on your appearance
  5. Best nutrition for sports enthusiasts
  6. How much protein does the human body need?
  7. The effects of nutrition on the skin

Getting a High Quality Presentation Fast

Did you know that our company has been providing university, college and even high school students with high quality presentations for over 10 years? You can get the writing help you need very fast from our team of experienced presentation writers. Remember, our experts are all PhD degree holders so you will get homework help and assistance from the best possible people. Get cheap homework help online from us and we will make sure you get a top grade on your next presentation. Why don’t you get some free time to spend with your friends and family? We’ll handle your presentation from start to finish.