ASE Practice Tests - 14 ASE Practice Exams

Take one of our free ASE Practice Tests below to see what type of questions appear on an ASE auto mechanic certification exam. The 14 free tests are specific to an ASE series. The free test below is general to all areas. An auto mechanic can get certified by taking the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) exams, covering different subject areas, such as diesel and gas engines, trucks, buses, damage repair, auto components and much more.

These practice exams were written by Dr. John Kershaw, ASE Test Prep Expert, ASE Test Question Developer, ASE Certified Master Technician, ASE Master Truck Technician and Auto Industry Technical Instructor.

For complete A Series practice, go to the A1 - A8 Practice Test Set with 800 Questions.

For more free practice questions, see the following tests geared toward specific ASE subject areas:

Our ASE practice test materials were written by Dr. John Kershaw, an ASE test prep expert. Dr. Kershaw has been an ASE test question developer, ASE Certified Master Technician, ASE Master Truck Technician, auto industry technical instructor and was among the first candidates certified by the ASE in 1972.