BC Property Transfer Tax 2024

In BC, the land transfer tax equivalant seen in other Canadian provinces is called the property transfer tax. When buying a home, many people overlook the significant cost of the property transfer tax. When you acquire a property (and the land it rests on), you must pay a tax to the government after the transaction closes. Our calculator outlines all the details you need to know about British Columbia's property transfer tax program.

BC Property Transfer Tax Calculator

Purchase Price

I am a citizen or permanent resident of Canada

Property is residential

I am buying a newly constructed home

I am buying the property with another (or others)

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Comparison of BC Land Transfer Taxes with Other Provinces

Home Price

I am a first-time home buyer

I am a resident of Nova Scotia

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History of the Property Transfer Tax

Originally called the Property Purchase Tax, the PPT was first introduced in 1987 as a wealth tax to discourage speculation and cost 1% of the first $200,000 and 2% of the remainder, although 95% of home purchases did not qualify for the tax at the time as they were below the $200,000 mark. In 1994, the government introduced the First-Time Home Buyers’ Program and continued to modify it throughout the years. The Newly Built Home Exemption was introduced in 2016, and applied an additional 15% PPT on foreign buyers in 2017 which increased to 20% in 2018. In 2021, BC introduced an additional 2% tax on the portion of the price over $3,000,000 for residential properties. This brings the marginal residential rate to 5%.

BC Property Transfer Tax

Similar to Land Transfer Taxes in other provinces, BC government requires its home buyers to pay a Property Transfer Tax (PTT) when purchasing a new home. The tax is valued at:

BC Property Transfer Tax Rates

Purchase Price of Home Property Transfer Marginal Tax Fee
First $ 200,0001.0%
$ 200,000 to $ 2,000,000 2.0%
$ 2,000,000 to $ 3,000,000 3.0%
Over $ 3,000,0005% for residential properties, 3% for commercial properties

BC Land Transfer Tax Rebates

Purchase Price of Home First-Time Buyer Rebate
Up to $834,999 Tax on the first $500,000 Refunded
From $835,000 to $860,000 Partial Rebate, See Calculator
Over $860,000 No First Time Buyer Rebate

Foreign Buyers

If the home buyer is a foreign national (other than permanent residents of Canada), foreign corporation, or a taxable trustee, an additional 15% PPT must be paid if the property was registered prior to February 20th, 2018 and increases to 20% if registered afterwards. The areas that require the additional tax are:

However, foreign nationals who have work permits from the BC Provincial Nominee Program are exempt from this additional tax.

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First Time Home Buyers’ Program

The First Time Home Buyers’ Program reduces the amount of tax paid on the first home. The qualifications for the individual at the time of registration as well as the property are as follows:

For a full exemption, the property must: